I'm the Sweet lady Plum I host lots of different events like tea parties, fashion shows, and strapon parties. I keep a collection of prissy faggot whores, serving me, when they are not serving me I have them whore themselves to make me money. If you wish to be one of my prissy faggots, or if you want to be invited to one of my parties, you need to be well trained, and experienced. You need to have experience in anal, sucking cock and eating cum, thats all we do at tea parties is eat cum anyway. For tea parties, I'll do your make up foundation, blush lipstick and mascara, extended fake eyelashes. I'll dress you up in a Cutie ruffle panties, and a cute mini skirt, and a classy yet sexy top something revealing. Me and all my prissy faggot whores sit at the table and giggle about girly things, make fuck of little cocks, cause they are worthless in value. When its tea time a large yummy cock will be presented to your face and you will suck it. When the cock starts cumming you will catch the warm load in your tea cup. I will have you wipe your mouths because its not very lady like to have cum and mouth spit all over your face, so I will have you properly dab the sides of your mouths. Hold your teacups properly one hand underneath pinkys up into the air, and sip that cum out of the cup. Wanna be in one of my parties give me a call and I will see if you qualify.
